

International Student Forumに本校生徒が参加しました

2022年1月22日(土)に、早稲田渋谷シンガポール校主催「高校生会議International Student Forum (ISF)」がオンラインで開催され、本校生徒高2、高3生5名と留学生2名が参加しました。

会議には、シンガポール国内のJunior Collegeと日本国内の高校から約70名が参加し、外部講師による基調講演「SDGs & Youth Empowerment」に続き、「環境、教育、仕事、人権」の分野からそれぞれの生徒自身が興味のあるトピックを選び、グループディスカッションを行いました。ディスカッションは英語で行われ、本校生徒たちも活発に発言し、社会問題について考え、行動する良いきっかけになりました。


I have learned that there are so many students who think about our future seriously like me. I have not talked about SDGs or global issues with my classmates in my daily life, so I thought I didn’t have enough power to solve these problems. However, now that I know so many younger generations feel the same way, I’m courageous enough to try something I would not have done yesterday. I think if we cooperate with each other and try something, it will be a powerful force to change the future. I don’t want to waste this opportunity. I want to act little by little with everyone who participated in the ISF. All I want to say is that I’m grateful to have taught such important things today! If this event is to be held sometime, I want to attend it again. Let’s try our best to leave a better tomorrow for the next generations!!

報告書はこちらをクリック [1048KB pdfファイル]